Treatments & Sedation Dentistry

Our dental treatments encompass everything from routine check-ups and fillings to more complex procedures like root canals and crowns. During your initial visit, we conduct a thorough examination to assess your dental health and create a customized treatment plan. Our preventive services include regular cleanings, fluoride treatments, and sealants to protect your teeth from decay. For restorative needs, we provide high-quality fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures, ensuring your teeth are restored to their full function and appearance. We also offer periodontal treatments for gum disease, addressing both early-stage gingivitis and more advanced periodontitis. Our goal is to provide comprehensive dental care that meets your specific needs, helping you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

What You Need To Know

Sedation Dentistry

Overcome your dental anxiety with sedation dentistry at Estrada Dentistry, where Dr. Jaime Estrada offers safe and effective sedation options to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during your dental visits.

Sedation Dentistry with Dr. Estrada

Visiting the dentist isn’t easy for everyone. If the thought of sitting in the dentist’s chair makes you nervous, uncomfortable, or anxious, you’re not alone. Many adults experience dental phobia, making them less likely to visit the dentist as often as they should. Fortunately, there’s a simple way to combat dental anxiety. Dr. Jaime Estrada offers sedation dentistry at his Hudson and Port Richey locations to help nervous patients feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Sedation Dentistry Makes Every Appointment Stress-Free

The goal of sedation dentistry is to help you relax during your dental appointment. There are several ways to achieve this relaxation, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is the most popular form because it is inhaled through a mask, making it non-invasive and easy to control. The effects of laughing gas begin quickly and wear off just as fast, allowing you to drive yourself home and continue your day as usual, but with a more enjoyable dental experience!

Oral conscious sedation is another viable option, involving taking a small sedative pill before your appointment. A trusted family member or friend will drive you to and from your appointment to ensure safety. The sedative keeps you conscious but entirely relaxed and at ease, eliminating any feelings of worry or anxiety. By the time the medication wears off, your appointment will be over, your smile will be healthier, and you’ll only have positive memories of the experience!

Revitalize Your Smile Without the Worry

Let Dr. Estrada and his team help you overcome dental anxiety with professional and reliable sedation dentistry. Lasting oral health significantly contributes to your overall well-being, but you can only maintain it with regular dentist appointments. Dr. Estrada provides the sedation you need to enjoy those appointments without any anxiety or discomfort. Call 727-869-3886 today to schedule your first appointment and experience stress-free dental care at Estrada Dentistry in Hudson and Port Richey, Florida.

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