Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is essential for preventing dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Our expert team at Estrada Dentistry provides thorough dental cleanings, personalized home care instructions, and regular check-ups to ensure your mouth stays healthy. We emphasize the importance of brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and using mouthwash to reduce bacteria and plaque buildup. Additionally, our hygienists are trained to identify early signs of dental problems and provide preventive treatments such as fluoride applications and dental sealants. By maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine and visiting us regularly, you can protect your smile and prevent future dental issues.

What You Need To Know

Dental Hygiene and Periodontal Treatment

Your gums are just as important as your teeth when it comes to your overall oral health and well-being. At Estrada Dentistry, Dr. Jaime Estrada offers comprehensive periodontal treatment plans in Hudson and Port Richey, Florida, to help patients maintain healthy gums and restore their mouths to optimal health.


Why Do Your Gums Really Matter?

Just like a flower needs healthy soil to grow, your teeth need healthy gums to thrive. Your gums support your teeth and are crucial to your overall oral health. Neglecting gum care can lead to the accumulation of plaque and tartar, eventually causing gum disease. Periodontal disease starts as gingivitis, characterized by red, swollen, and tender gums that bleed easily. While gingivitis can be reversed with good oral hygiene, if left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease that can destroy the fibers and bone supporting your teeth.

Are You at Risk of Periodontal Disease?

Several symptoms and risk factors can indicate and increase the likelihood of periodontal disease. Common signs include red, swollen, tender, and bleeding gums, chronic bad breath, and loose teeth. Lifestyle habits and conditions such as smoking, hormonal changes, diabetes, heart problems, and chronic illnesses can also increase the risk of developing periodontal disease.

Seek Treatment Before It’s Too Late

Fortunately, periodontal conditions can be treated before lasting damage occurs, but it’s essential to visit a trusted dentist for the care you need. Dr. Estrada offers customized periodontal treatments based on your specific symptoms and oral condition. Using advanced technologies, he identifies and targets harmful organisms like bacteria, fungi, and parasites in your gums. Dr. Estrada will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to strengthen your gums and restore their health. He believes you deserve the best oral care, so call (727) 869-3886 today to schedule your first appointment.

At Estrada Dentistry, we are committed to helping you achieve and maintain excellent oral health. Let us help you keep your gums healthy and your smile bright.

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